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Bolivia Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Israel Over Gaza Strikes

Bolivia Cuts Diplomatic Ties with Israel over Gaza Strikes

Historical Context

The Plurinational State of Bolivia and the State of Israel established diplomatic relations in 1950, two years after Israel's independence. Bolivia has traditionally maintained a "pro-Palestinian" stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Recent Developments

Bolivia's Decision

On October 31, 2022, Bolivia announced its decision to sever diplomatic ties with Israel. The Bolivian government cited Israel's "aggressive and disproportionate" attacks on the Gaza Strip as the reason for its decision.

Israel's Condemnation

Israel condemned Bolivia's decision as a "surrender to terrorism." The Israeli Foreign Ministry stated that Bolivia's action "reward[s] Hamas's aggression and makes a mockery of the peace process."

International Reaction

Bolivia's decision has sparked mixed reactions from the international community. Some countries, such as Nicaragua and Venezuela, have expressed support for Bolivia's move. Others, such as the United States, have expressed concern and urged dialogue between the two countries.

Implications for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Bolivia's decision to cut ties with Israel could have implications for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. It signals a growing dissatisfaction with Israel's actions among some South American countries and could potentially embolden other nations to take similar action.


Bolivia's decision to sever diplomatic ties with Israel is a significant development in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It reflects Bolivia's disapproval of Israel's actions in Gaza and could potentially have wider implications for the peace process.
